Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Media Reflection

First off, I enjoyed this media assignment more than I though I would. It was actually quite fun keeping up a blog. I'm glad that we got to keep up a blog instead of doing a notebook with articles in it. 

How much media do you consume? How does this impact your life?
Personally, I consume not a lot of media. I am only on the computer for my homework, researching for projects and helping people with homework over Facebook. I don't watch T.V. or YouTube so all in all, I consume about maybe 2 to 4 hours of media a day--depending on my homework load. This media consumption impacts my life in  many ways. First off, when I am researching for projects, it provides me with quick and easy information right at my finger tips. Since there is so much media, I have to be careful of false information. Also, I love helping people. I am on Facebook pretty much every single day helping people with homework or answering questions. 

How does being aware of your media consumption change your interactions with media?
Whenever I hear or see advertisement, I find myself not paying attention to the commercial but picking out what advertising techniques and appeals the advertisers use. 

Have your media consumption habits changed this semester?
My media consumption also has stayed at the same amount as it was when I first started this assignment. Since I don't consume much anyways, it hasn't fluctuated at all.   

Why is it important to have media literacy?
It is important to have media literacy so when you are consuming media, you don't fall into the pitfalls it leads you into. Also, you are more careful about the messages it sends you and how you respond to them.

Why is being an educated consumer important?
Being and educated consumer is important because if you are educated about what the media portrays products as, you are less likely to give into what they are telling (or falsely telling) you. If you understand advertisement  you know what you really want to buy. Personally, because of this unit, I don't have impulses to buy things when I go shopping. Before I would have impulses but now, because I am an educated consumer, I spend less money on things I don't need and buy only things that I can actually utilize. 

What did you get out of keeping this log?
This log helped me pick out the advertising techniques and appeals that are used in the media. Now whenever I am reading a magazine and I see advertisements, I can automatically pick out if Bandwagon or the Need to Achieve is used. It is actually quite fun deciphering the messages the advertisers are sending to me. 

Other thoughts on media and media literacy?
I have no other thoughts but I had a fun experience with this unit!

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