Thursday, December 27, 2012

Campbell's Slow Kettle Soups

The main thing in this ad is Physiological Needs. If you come across this advertisement before lunch or before dinner, the big, steamy bowl of soup looks real appetizing. Campbell's is trying hit our need for good, tasty food by advertising their new line of soups. I also thought this ad's placement in the magazine was quite interesting. A couple pages before it was an article on how to prepare steak and tri-tip Martha Stewart style. Within the article, there were several pictures of nice, steamy, juicy steak. Then BAM, right in the middle of the article there is this Campbell's ad. Very strategic placement if you ask me. Because of its placement, I think it was an effective ad. You get hungry looking at the steak and tri-tip then you get even more hungry when you see a bowl of soup. 

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