Saturday, December 8, 2012

Scott Naturals

So I was looking through the hordes of magazines around the house and I found this ad for the Scott Naturals brand of paper towel products.

First of all, I would like to point out that the tree growing out of the toilet paper roll. They are attempting to use Pathos to get you to buy their product. I mean, come on, who doesn't love our shade-giving pals? The Trees! Also, I am sure that many people know there is a tree crisis down in our rainforests and that many scores of acres of trees are being cut down each day. Scott Naturals is trying to say you save trees by using their product.

But wait. Down at the very, very bottom in the fine print it says, "These...products are made with a blend of virgin fiber and at least 20% recycled material in products or packaging." First off, what the heck is virgin fiber??? And the paper towel products are still made out of are we reeeaaaaaaalllly Savin trees by using their products?

I also have to comment on their colour scheme. Green. Green, green, green. Even the "Help save 2 million trees without even noticing." is green. Also, they have "nature" in their brand name. When you run out of toilet paper or paper towels at home and you run to Target or something to buy more, the advertisers want you to think, "Hmmm I'm gonna buy Scott Naturals! I save 2 million trees WITHOUT noticing when I use this :D :D :D" and associate their product with nature and trees.

I think this ad was a pretty effective ad. I mean, after I read it I was like, "Mom! Lets to buy this! Seeeeeee we save trees :3" their use of Pathos, their colour scheme and wording made it a convincing ad.

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